Monte Vista Grove Homes is a residential Christian ministry dedicated to meeting the needs of qualified retirees of the Presbyterian Church (USA). It seeks to support its residents within the context of a caring, Christian community that assists in meeting their spiritual, physical, social and emotional needs and interests. Our Skilled Nursing, Assisted Living and soon-to-be Memory Care Residence are open to the greater community.
Monte Vista Grove Homes is committed to being a leading multi-level retirement community in a faithful expression of Christian love towards its residents. Monte Vista Grove Homes seeks to provide superior facilities and services for older adult living, to reflect the inclusive nature of God’s grace in an ethnically and economically diverse community; to expand facilities and services to meet present, future and changing needs, to exercise wise stewardship of resources and to serve as a welcoming community that fosters abundant life. Residents, trustees and staff contribute their various gifts with a sense of social responsibility to the larger community and to the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.). Monte Vista Grove Homes strives for excellence in all things for the well being of the residents and to the glory of God.
Residency Restrictions: One must have served the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) in a “called” position for 20 years or more to apply for residency at MVGH.

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Video Transcript
Time: 4 min 31 sec
Monte Vista Grove Homes Life Engagement Video
[Laughter] [Music] hi i'm debrah herbert the executive director at Monta Vista grow home since 1924 this organization has made it a priority to care for senior adults as a whole person an important part of doing that is through what used to be known as activities and now we call it life engagement activities means something that's done to you you sit in a wheelchair or you sit in a room and you watch a performance life engagement is about actually participating and so you're going to see some examples of how Monta Vista Grove homes incorporates life engagement into the lives of seniors as they're aging so that we can focus on what they're still able to do not on what they're unable to do [Music] in the life engagement program we acknowledge every residents individuality and their lifetime of achievement and success our life ingredient program is designed around the philosophy that every person matters and deserves to maintain or achieve a good quality of life we strive to engage residents with the social and spiritual aspects of life through an activity program that increases abilities and independence and an environment that fosters safety and well-being of interests we strive to capture the essence of a resident through life engagement by knowing who they are the lifetime of achievement successes and accomplishment and to provide the tools for community to connect with them at each interaction throughout the day all family and friends are welcome to join the program and become involved we know the importance of maintaining and building relationships with family and friends of each resident we make lifelong friendships the sixth element of life engagement our artistic expression this allows our residents to create artworks that express their feelings personality and creativity well how do you feel when you taste something stinks in me and I start painting and I just keep going physical activity this is very important for individuals with dementia physical exercise has been shown to show physical deterioration while reducing the risk of Falls where's the support spiritual activities aids in the psychological and emotional well-being of our resident who provide times of meditation song and prayer in an atmosphere that is sensitive to our residents diverse spiritual background how would you say our residents benefit from your visits well I think they know that somebody cares and it gives them an opportunity to express themselves so I think that we need to be good listeners and try to plug in wherever the greatest need seems to be Community Connections we encourage the resident to continue to serve others this instills a sense of purpose in the dementia resident and allows the staff for their value we serve talents and abilities do you enjoy with a pet therapy dog from the Pasadena swimming societies come visit oh yes they're beautiful why is it important to have life engagement programs in this stage of your life because it keeps your mind goal that's so important continuing education this engages the residents on a cognitive level and stimulates different parts of the brain each by introducing and reintroducing information it can also provide opportunities to reminisce what brings joy to your life right now I know how you people recognize me as someone that does something for this you that's my reasoning that is perfect lifestyle and leisure this provides opportunities for the resident to engage in specific recreational activities they enjoy dominoes checkers car games and musical memories and especially social signs you Oh [Music]

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