As a not-for-profit provider of senior living and healthcare, person-centered care is integrated into all of our services. No matter which lifestyle or service is right for you, we offer something for everyone with a promise of customized attention, care and service.
Person-centered care means our complete attention is on you. Our philosophy has evolved from caring and protecting the body to supporting members of our community in achieving personal satisfaction and happiness. Our holistic and comprehensive approach to care and lifestyle is designed to meet your core needs.
At McLean, we work with each resident to create individual lifestyles and personalized services to meet very specific needs and interests. This means you can do what you want to do and accomplish what you want to accomplish. Person-centered care puts you in the center of the care process and is consistent with our commitment to ensuring you can always grow and learn at any age and ability.

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Video Transcript
Time: 4 min 22 sec
[Music] McLean is a very unique place I think at McLean here we have a high standard of care that we give McClain has an excellent reputation in this Farmington Valley the people that work here they love it here they like it here they want to come to work it is pretty it's pretty to look outside and see nice things and have a nice room but when you have someone that's gonna give you a hug when you come in someone that really cares about how you're feeling that's that's what makes the difference at McLean it's it's it's the people just the whole philosophy is one of caring and we're here if you need us it's all about taking good care of our patients our residents and we're a family here my wife ended up here the first time she had two knees replaced several years ago and we're so thrilled with the that the facility you know the care my mother-in-law is a resident here in long-term care she's spent here about five years and she had been at a different nursing home for a little while before she moved here and then once she's been here it has just been night and day of how wonderful the staff is and the caring and the community and the love that she receives from staff she really is treated like she's a member of their family the staff is quite good on taking care of us under pretty much any circumstances we've gotten to know a number of them and find them very attentive and very knowing some small things like that is the part of the the wonderful nature of the place they are very caring they're concerned about our individual likes and dislikes very attentive the staff here also goes beyond what is expected and many times will take the extra step to the extra special thing sometimes the everyday things aren't the things that matter but it's a little extra special thing that can really make the difference in a person's day in a way we almost anticipate their needs before they even know what they want it is the people that take care of care of me because they are special because the job is is tough the residents are not just patients they are family and I feel like I'm a part of their life in they're a part of mine I appreciate what they like help aids give me and so I I really feel good about it and I hadn't been that way of that other unit so that was that so it's just a good place that's not the residents are treated with a lot of dignity she's not left to be ignored she's always involved with something and it's just fun to see her light up with the various activities that they have it's one of the cleanest places you'll ever come to they're constantly keeping this place clean you could almost eat off the floor any time it's always somebody working it's a place you're not ashamed to bring somebody intuitive show to them everybody remarks how beautiful the place is and how comfortable it is our residents are just amazing people given the opportunity to sit and talk with them they have amazing stories they just truly do and the staff here cares so much that it shows it's just very comforting for me to know that my husband is getting excellent care the food is terrific here I don't have to worry about him and that's my main concern I don't worry at all about mom because I know that she's loved and cared for physically mentally you know the whole package [Music] you