Opened in 1997, AdamsPlace is a premier senior care community in Rutherford County that includes Residential and Assisted Living with a multi-specialty Health Center and new Memory Care Center. This community provides residents and patients with continuing care and rehabilitative care as well.
Assisted Living at Adams Place is about finding a comfortable level of care to help residents feel at home. Working with you, your family and your physician, we’ll create a personalized plan to serve, and evolve with, individual health needs and preferences.
Licensed medical supervision is on-site 24/7. Assisted Living residents also benefit from priority placement in The Health Center, on the same campus if the need arises.
The needs of residents with memory loss are unique, and addressing those needs takes a special community and a special kind of care. Learn more about our Memory Care Center and the special programs we have there like Music & Memory, which can be remarkably beneficial for those with cognitive and physical challenges.
Thoughtfully designed private living spaces, inviting community areas and daily activity schedules contribute to the feeling of home by providing a positive structure for life here. Talk news with friends. Enjoy a coffee break in the soda shop. Take a walk through the courtyard - today is a beautiful day!
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Video Transcript
Time: 8 min 6 sec
"Love... the best possible care." We are thrilled to share this video with you that truly represents the culture of AdamsPlace and NHC. Our residents, patients, families, and partners are of the utmost importance to us and are why we do what we do everyday!
[Music] love best possible care well my passion is to serve to serve others and I met that's where I feel alive you will do anything to bring joy to it to someone today it's the most exciting and thrilling and fulfilling thing that you could ever do we're all working together to do what I think is the most noble job in the world we had a young man I say young man he was in his 50s massive stroke he went by my office walking and turned around at the door and said bye I love you people I mean what does that do to your heart coming here on a literally on a bed and was able to leave walking you watch that progress where they can get up to a regular died it's just great to see and it makes you tear up a little bit because you did something tonight that person she had sat me down and she told me I was her very only for its nightingale and that made me cry when you go an extra mile and comb their hair and put little makeup for them you know their face lights up and they're so happy when you enjoy something that you do it's not really a job so for me coming to work every day is really just come and hang out with my friends and take care of some loved ones so I need to make sure that this is where they are happy and where they are comfortable and they feel like they could do anything that they would do in their homeless they were there by themselves it's the relationships that you build working here that makes it special didn't want to crack and that to me is the ultimate the ultimat price that smile I get back joy to everyday as the key that's the plan I founded this company years ago my vision was to provide superior nursing and medical care in equality of life environment for our patients at each health care center those of us in senior management think about the legacy of dr. Adams and I think the culture that he established in the very beginning and that was perpetuated by Andy and Robert it still flourishes dr. Adams at that time was the chairman of the board of event HC a successful company at that time but one that was was growing rapidly he had time to attend the patient care plan meetings at Murfreesboro Healthcare Center challenging them to find opportunities to enhance the quality of care for the patients the origin of NHC dr. Adams what he stood for those three things that value of elderly that dreaming to the end and value servanthood we have mission we have vision we have our values I think having that as a background and a foundation just really stands out part of the reason that I think our Alexie's been successful is the longevity of the people who work here in dr. Adams clearly was the beginning of that and the reason for that NHC's from Columbia - Hendersonville - Murphysboro you sort of see the NHC way and we'll be carrying out I think the legacy the doctor hadn't started and we're just going to continue down that path and they've done a I think a good job of training the rest of us - to keep the important things important well the thing I remember most about dr. Adams is that I could be in a conversation with him and he would ask I mean lots and lots of questions and six months later usually it would finally dawn on me what have you been talking about he was so progressive and so forward-thinking that we all struggle to keep up he added medical directors registered nurses and therapists patient assessment computerized on speech and occupational therapist he created a Dietetic internship to create more dieticians they're kind of always before their time especially with the IMR we're always in servicing and finding the best way to do things for our patients to be able to take all new technologies new lines of service that can actually benefit patients and help your other provider partners is a good thing to do because I think what we're dealing with today is something he would have said see I told you so he said you have to have a balance between quality and earnings he said either without the other is doomed to fail I think the fiber of the company is tied to what we know needs to be done in and we've got a way to share it with our stand-ups and keep it going say no if we go over our twenty promises whichever promise it is for the day one that comes to mind is anticipate your needs greet you with a saw make eye contact respond to your need rather than maintain my schedule any position in this company your voice is still heard and you have the opportunity to make a difference and suggest those things the ideas that you have from the CNA the dietitians the dietary workers to make improvements are where things will come from for improvement that has a lot to do with the culture here in HC is we're constantly improving and constantly doing something better I think DVD players I fix bad subjects all right half I tea house maintenance how we've been fortunate to maintain some of that vision and and that philosophy really has been our partners I really go to the root of what I'm proud of I'm proud of the partners who allow us to have a 4.25 five-star rating it's the prefix of partner is part and I feel like I'm a part of something you feel you belong to something that's what partner means to me you belong to something I'm personally responsible for improvement of their life I can't do my job without the help of my fellow partners I can't do my job without nursing or therapy they're my partner whether it's the girl who's doing the filing or the therapist that's going out or someone who's the vice president of the company they're my partner and getting the patient better you know they make you feel like a partner here you're not just a number or you're not just someone that shows up and does their job and goes home the people who are doing the work need to feel invested and be comfortable to make suggestions to say this doesn't make any sense and why don't we do it differently we all work together no matter what department you're in what shiftee work we're all here together whether it's the promises the mission vision values all that and having a great leadership team trickles down and having great CNAs trickles up we empower those partners to make things right and all of us is smarter than any of us and so the more that we can involve our partners in directing the care of a patient they have today if you make it a place where people feel like they have purpose that they're valued they're doing something worthwhile and they're treated fairly I think those are just the basic keys they're tiny those who need our services deserve the best health care possible [Music] it just makes me glad to see that our seniors can get the care that they need in a very kind compassionate way I'm happy seeing them happy they deserve to be [Music] you
Video Transcript
Time: 1 min 42 sec
Kelly, an experienced hairdresser in one of our beauty shops, makes our residents feel beautiful every day! [Background music:
[Music] well I've been doing here about 52 years I found this place when I first moved down here wasn't gonna work and then I decided I was gonna do something real part-time and just to get out so I went to the realtor because I didn't know anything and she googled the assisted living facility and then I talked to Anne Clark she's wonderful so I knew right away it's just so friendly nice everybody is positive there's no negativity here [Music] and Rehab they may not you know they come to rehab a lot of times from the hospital so a lot of times they haven't had their head wash took two weeks a week or two weeks certainly so that's like the best feeling in the world after a generalized in this beauty shop we have to be creative and flexible because you're either bent over on your knees people have handicaps and you have to be creative to try to figure out how to get them dry without giving them a bath washing them without giving them a bath and I mean it's yeah there's a lot more trick than what you think