Abby's Place LLC is a memory care provider in Grand Prairie, TX. The staff at Abby's Place provide supervision and are able to remind residents to attend to activities of daily living such as grooming and toileting. Staff are on service 24 hours a day. There are activities appropriate for seniors with Alzheimer’s disease and dementia that help keep residents active and engaged. It is a secured property. Residents who are prone to wandering can be accepted. There is a computerized system that alerts staff if a resident attempts to wander to an unsafe area. At Abby's Place LLC you can rest assured because nurse is on staff and a doctor is on call.
There comes a point in everyone’s life when they may no longer be able to take care of themselves. Nature calls for the families of each individual to take care of them, just as they were cared for when they were young. Unfortunately, careers and other matters of modern life can often make this a difficult task. Abby's Place LLC provides the support that retirees and their families require, including Medication Monitoring services, which we are more than happy to offer.
Throughout the year, we provide our residents with Assisted Living to make sure there’s always something exciting to look forward to at Abby's Place LLC. It’s just one of the things that sets our Assisted Living Facility apart from the rest. We’re passionate about providing opportunities for our residents to make new memories and friends while enjoying our services.
Many of our community members at Abby's Place LLC require some degree of health and well-being monitoring. Our Assisted Living Facility provides complimentary and customizable Nutritional and Dietary Counseling services for all our residents. By catering to the personal needs of each resident, we go just one step further to make everyone feel like they’re truly at home at Abby's Place LLC.

Real Estate Agent
Adam Mitchell & Lance Doty
Home Buying Guys

Real Estate Agent
Cyndi Rice
Berkshire Hathaway PenFed Realty