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The Secrets to Understanding Your Continuing Care Retirement Community Contract

April 21, 2020

If you are applying to a CCRC you will need to be familiar with the contract you will be required to review and sign. Read below to learn more information about what may be included in your contract.

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Steps to Move an Elderly Relative into a CCRC

April 20, 2020

Are you part of the 12 percent of U.S. parents who also provide care for an elderly parent?

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Learn About CCRC Contract Types

April 16, 2020

With Continuing Care Retirement Communities (CCRCs), you don’t have to move from an independent living community to an assisted Irving community as your health needs grow. CCRCs allow you to stay in the same community throughout the different phases of your aging process, and access different health services whenever you need them.

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The Secret to Healthy Weight Loss for Seniors? Fighting Fat and Building Muscle

April 11, 2020

A guest post by Michael Longsdon of Elder Freedom Have you ever tried dieting to slim down and lose weight?

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CCRC vs Assisted Living: What Are the Differences?

April 10, 2020

As we get older, life's daily routine can get harder and harder. Cooking, cleaning, showering, and getting out of bed can difficult, and even dangerous in the right conditions. If you're having trouble living independently, you may want to consider moving to a retirement community. 

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Learn About Retirement: A Quick Guide to CCRC’s

April 9, 2020

Deciding whether to move and where to live during retirement means doing a bit of homework. If you’re considering a Continuing Care Retirement Community (CCRC), here’s a quick guide to understanding what they’re all about.

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7 Benefits of Moving Into a Continuing Care Retirement Community

April 8, 2020

It can be difficult to make a major change in life. Often the positive far outweighs the negative. Especially when that change is to move to a continuing care retirement community. There are many benefits to deciding to move into a continuing care retirement community. Keep reading for 7 of the best.

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Keep Feeling Fantastic With a Healthy Lifestyle: 10 Senior Wellness Tips

April 2, 2020

The elderly population is working longer than ever before in modern history. Retirement without preparation can result in financial and personal stress that was never expected. This is supposed to be one of the best times of your life.

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Memory Mastery: How to Maintain a Good Memory as You Age

April 1, 2020

Growing older comes with a laundry list of perks and concerns. On one hand, you're given the opportunity to enjoy the fruits of your labor. A life well-lived is rewarded with wisdom and the ability to approach and appreciate family, friends, and the beautiful world around us. 

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What Is a Continuing Care Retirement Community? How Will It Work for You?

March 31, 2020

By the year 2030, all American baby boomers will be over the age of 65. And for the first time in U.S. history, seniors will outnumber children.

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